By guiding teachers, assistants and administrators in the fundamental application of Montessori education at all levels, based upon many years of exceptional experience in teaching and administration. By demonstrating effective activities, presentations, and practices, we model approaches known to be consistently successful. Montessori classrooms are based upon the reality of what best serves children’s interests. These interests shift at each level. We offer realistic and honest adjustments so classrooms can match this reality. Clarifying curriculum and effective management skills is central to the support we lend to teachers.
The best start is teachers with thorough Montessori training. Knowing how to use the materials effectively and convey enthusiasm about them is vital. However, there are no guarantees that an individual will be successful at applying what they have learned. Montessori is a radically unique approach, simple in theory, while its practice is highly challenging for many adults. Training courses alone cannot offer comprehensive guidance in relating to children and directing classes. Classroom management skills are crucial to success. As well, are techniques to keep re-vitalized, calm and conscious. Montessori stressed the spiritual development of the adult.
- In some cases teachers are overwhelmed by the demands of the classroom. We know how to re-start an environment and show teachers how to make significant positive and lasting changes in the atmosphere.
- Setting the bar high results in students at each level who are well-prepared academically, emotionally and socially for successful transitions in their continuing education (and in life overall).
We work with a limited number of schools. We work in the United States and also specialize in the international community, particularly in helping new schools and those in transition. We recognize many of the obstacles that culture, tradition and legal requirements may pose for some schools as they strive to offer quality Montessori education. Gaining trust of parents and the wider community are vital components for success. We help schools in the classroom and with all the constituencies of the community: parents, teachers, administrators, public and private officialdom. In the private and public realms we are experienced with aligning curriculum standards and satisfying state and national core standards.
- We offer a variety of options to meet the unique needs of each school. A minimum of a one-week visit is required. Often, we attend schools for periods of two to four weeks at a time, with regular return visits throughout the school year. Rates are reasonable and affordable.
- Initially, a no-obligation Skype conference will determine where to begin. Then, appropriate goals and a flexible schedule can be adapted to fit the needs of the school.
- In some cases, a school is unable to find knowledgeable education directors and we have fulfilled that vital role through a regular schedule of visits. Getting to know the teachers, students and everyone else involved in a school is generally the optimal way to impart lasting and highly effective guidance.
- We have done extensive teacher training, especially for new teachers requiring support. Given the difficulty many schools experience in finding qualified teachers, this part of our work has been highly valued. Presentations to staff and the parent community are also regular components of our visits.
We have extensive practice in helping parents. For many years we led ongoing classes in parenting, based on Montessori principles and approaches such as Parent Effectiveness Training; Active Parenting; and Positive Discipline. How to foster consistency in the home, articulating appropriate activities and expectations, are invaluable aids to parents (and children). Stressing the values of true respect, independence and responsibility ensures optimum success.
We have created new schools as well as new programs. These include how to begin and build Toddler, Children’s House, Lower Elementary, Upper Elementary, and Middle School levels of Montessori education. For older students, examples of some programs we developed include: arts, service, inter-generational projects, drama, architecture, cooking, technology, mentor-ships, and extensive class trips both within and without the United States.