Montessori education consistently transforms lives in the deepest, most essential manner. This rational and humanistic approach to life is helping the evolution of human beings to a higher plane: in relationship to self, to one another, and to the universal truths that govern all existence. Montessori is about changing consciousness. This applies not only to children, but also to the adults who guide them, thus Montessori's reference to the "preparation of the spirit of the teacher."
Maria Montessori illuminated the true nature of the child and the human spirit. Her response was an educational format that leads to fulfillment of the self, skills for the real world, and a peaceful connection with the rest of life. Authentic Montessori environments are wondrous and often astounding places. Yet, realizing these principles in practice can be a daunting task. It requires intelligent, dedicated adults and a clear and confident vision of how it works. Being overwhelmed is not uncommon, but there are proven approaches to turning that around.
As vital as curriculum and classroom management, is the quality with which teachers, administrators, parents and staff work together. As an independent and dispassionate observer, the effective consultant not only helps improve the operation of classrooms and general management issues. Important work may involve relationships among staff, re-energizing enthusiasm for their shared vision. With honesty, openness and respect, differences can be examined, resolved and healed through a process of objectivity and clarity. This is vital work for the ultimate benefit of the students.
Communication is the biggest challenge in any organization. Successfully implementing Montessori "education for peace" can depend upon the ability of individuals to take risks to rise beyond ego concerns, embracing humility, tolerance and acceptance of others. As adults, we all have room to improve in these areas. It is our willingness to attend to our own personal evolution that makes the difference. This is a crucial aspect of Montessori's guidance too often overlooked. A Montessori classroom should be a reflection of love in action. It is based on faith in the infinite potential of the child.
This heart of Montessori's method sets it apart from all others. It is spiritual work.